The Wild Bird Club of the Philippines has a lot of things to celebrate, including reaching it’s 10th Anniversary! Read about all the festivities and see all the wonderful pictures of WBCP members and guests. Congratulations and more power to WBCP!
WBCP Cheers to 10 Years!
Celebrating 10th Year Anniversary Party and General Assembly
by Marites M. Falcon
The Wild Bird Club of the Philippines has made it through 10 years! It was indeed a blast! The Club had what was by far the most memorable anniversary party at the La Vista Clubhouse in Quezon City last July 14, 2013. In celebration of the Big 10, everyone came in their most colorful and festive attire. The occasion was deemed a well-attended event with a great number of club members who came. Among the guests who shared in the merrymaking were friends of the club, VIP guests and some partners in government, media and NGOs who came all the way from other regions to grace the important occasion.

The WBCP General Assembly
The registration started at 3:00 pm with the support of our registration booth volunteers in the person of Maia Tanedo, Tere Cervero, Yana Osano, and Cess Chua.

The General Assembly head started off with the Silent Auction composed of some artworks during the Hornbill Conference exhibited at the Ayala Museum, and Merchandise sales such as bird books, souvenir shirts and other interesting items.

most talented WBCP members who shared their works of art. Photo by Marites Falcon.

During the program, members by batches were acknowledged. Arne Jensen gave his report on the Records Committee which highlighted the work accomplished during the past year, plus the new country records and unusual bird species seen. Maia Tañedo presented the 2012 to 2013 Annual Report to the body. This was followed by the Financial Report rendered by outgoing WBCP Pres. Mike Lu. Anna Gonzales gave her report on the Conservation Committee. Finally, the WBCP Batches held a group photo hug before the first part of the program ended. The GA program was graciously emceed by Trinket Canlas and Alex Tiongco.

The WBCP Group Hugs by batches :

Tinggay Cinco, Gina Mapua, Rei Panaligan, Ivan Sarenas. Photo by Marites Falcon.

Ixi Mapua, Abby Santos. Photo by Marites Falcon.

: Mike Lu, Tina Alejandro, Ricky de Castro, Mark Villa, Arne Jensen, Lu-Ann Fuentes,
Mads Bajarias, Dindo Llana, Jon Villasper. Photo by Marites Falcon.
The WBCP Anniversary Program
The second part of the celebration was the Anniversary Program which was co-hosted by Paula and Charlie Fernandez. Among the special guests who came were the Honorable Senator Cynthia Villar with Atty. Armi Corpuz of the Villar Foundation and Director Mundita Lim of the Protected Areas and Wildlife Bureau (PAWB) of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR). Other personalities included Howie Severino with the GMA 7 News team.

Charlie and Paula Fernandez co-hosted the second part of the event, The Anniversary Party. Photo by Marites Falcon.

During the Anniversary Program, the founding members of the club were duly acknowledged. Mike Lu gave the 10 WBCP Highlights while Anna Gonzales gave the Conservation Committee Report which featured the Club’s history, background and projects participated in by club members.

One of the highlights was the launching of the 9th Philippine Bird Festival in Zamboanga City by Gina Mapua. Also launched and revealed was the beautifully designed event logo by Arnel Telesforo. The logo design imageries of the bird with colorful flower motif evoke a portrayal of Zamboanga City as the City of Flowers. A reminiscent of the 70’s pop art era and the 70’s Flower power.

Special dance numbers were performed by the dancers from the Western Mindanao State University who were brought in courtesy of our special guest from the Department of Tourism (DOT) Region IX in the person of Director MJ Bugante. Also present was Zamboanga City Tourism Officer Ms. Sarita Sebastian.

As part of the 10 WBCP Highlights, winners of the Borneo Bird Race Mark Villa, Adrian Constantino and Ivan Sarenas were also acknowledged during the anniversary party.

The new set of officers for 2013 were announced: Gina Mapua as President, Maia Tanedo as Vice President, Jon Javier as Secretary and Mike Lu as Treasurer.

Vice President Maia Tañedo, Secretary Jon Javier and Treasurer Mike Lu. Photo by Marites Falcon.
One of the event highlights was the awarding of the Big Year winners. Rob Hutchinson topped in the professional category with the most number of species (429 species), followed by Ivan Sarenas, 2nd place (360 species) and Bram Demeulemeester, 3rd place (328 species). Birder Couple, Tonji and Sylvia Ramos captured the top spots for the regular birders category, Tonji with 362 species with Sylvia with 355 species followed by Christian Perez with 328 species. Congratulations to all the winners!

for the Professional Birders category. Photo by Marites Falcon.

Moreover, our generous partners gave away special prizes. Primer Group gave out ten (10) Back Joy seats (for back support), Grimalkin gave a pair of binoculars for the BIG Race and Air Asia gave a round trip plane ticket to Hong Kong.

The 10th WBCP Anniversary Party and General Assembly was a huge success and it was indeed a memorable event for all of us. All the great efforts that everyone who put in to ensure that the whole event progressed smoothly were commendable. We certainly look forward to the next one for our 11th Anniversary next year.
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