By Cristina R. Cinco
The Asian Bird Fair returns to the Philippines! Yes, the Philippines hosted the 13th Asian Bird Fair after fourteen years from November 20-24, 2024. Proudly, the very first ABF was staged in the country after Founding Members of conservation societies and bird clubs from Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, and Thailand forged an agreement to establish, support and promote the Asian Bird Fair. The 1st Asian Bird Fair was launched in Davao City in 2010 together with the celebration of the 6th Philippine Bird Festival having the Philippine Eagle as its flagship bird, a top conservation priority being critically endangered. From 2010 onwards, the ABF has spread to the other founding member organizations further expanding to the countries of the People’s Republic of China and South Korea.

Fast forward to October 2023, during the 12th ABF in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia, the announcement was made that the 13th ABF would be in the Philippines! Prior to the Turnover Dinner in Kota Kinabalu, the Wild Bird Club of the Philippines had already prepared a Philippine Fiesta Night to treat the ABF delegates to a glimpse of what is about to happen for 2024.

The road to the 13th Asian Bird Fair commenced once the WBCP members got back from Kota Kinabalu. Dates selected for the 13th ABF were November 21-22, 2024. The 2024 ABF theme bird was the endemic Philippine Duck titled “Wetlands We Treasure the Future.” This is to emphasize the call for a stronger campaign in the conservation efforts of Manila Bay. Las Pinas City was the host venue in Metro Manila being located in the environs of south Manila Bay.

The 13th ABF Executive Committee met up in the early months of 2024 to lay out the plans for the upcoming November fest. November became the opted month as the weather will be cooler, lesser chances of typhoons, and its proximity to the Christmas season, when the entire Metro Manila will be spruced up for the Holiday Season. After the initial plans were brought forth, final arrangements for The Tent in Las Pinas as the main event venue for all activities and exhibitions were made, the programs for November 21 to 22 drafted, guest reservations at Mella Hotel arranged, and the souvenir program outlined, the call for WBCP volunteers was posted in the early summer. Communications between the WBCP members were mostly online.

As the days to the 13th Asian Bird Fair drew closer, invitations were sent out to the foreign delegations, local government unit partners and exhibitors. Sponsorships finalized. Confirmations made. Results, more than 200 people coming, representing 20 countries, with contingents from local government units partners, conservation groups and sponsorship exhibitors confirmed. Double time of logistics work came in full speed.
The Launching of the 13th Asian Bird Fair in July 6, 2024
Months of planning, mobilization, and information dissemination became a reality! The 13th Asian Bird Fair was formally launched in July 6, 2024 together with the celebration of the 21st Anniversary Party of the Wild Bird Club of the Philippines. ABF Executive Committee Members Andrew Sebastian and Victor Yu flew in from Malaysia and Taiwan respectively to lend in support, do an ocular inspection of the venue, visit the proposed birding site, and firm up arrangements prior to the actual event in November.

The Moment has come!
The foreign delegates began to stream in by dawn of November 20,2024. First order of the day was ensuring they were met at the Ninoy Aquino International Airport and checked in to Mella Hotel. The hotel lobby was bursting from the various participating countries. The lobby became a hub for the meet and greet, interactions, and reunions for friends after not seeing each during the Covid-19 travel restrictions, especially among those who were regular attendees in the Asian Bird Fair circuit. As the delegates took a downtime before the evening’s Welcome Dinner, WBCP volunteers had their hands full preparing for the registration and the give away kits.

The Main Event November 21-22,2024- The 13th Asian Bird Fair
Opening Ceremonies for the 13th Asian Bird Fair began promptly at 10 o’clock in the morning. The ceremony was very brief with the remarks delivered by ABF Execom member Victor Yu. The Guest of Honor, Senator Cynthia A. Villar, a staunch supporter of the WBCP delivered a speech signifying the commencement of the event, warmly welcoming all the foreign delegates to the Philippines. The gates of The Tent in Las Pinas opened at exactly 8 o’clock in the morning preceding the formal ceremonies. Students from different levels and schools, as well as homeschoolers, made up the majority of the attendees. Learning Sessions were programmed for both dates. Learning sessions in the morning were directed towards the elementary level, while high school students were scheduled for the afternoon. Daily forums on conservation, ecotourism, and wild life protection were also held for Senior High School and College students.

Exhibitions of the bird life in the participating countries were on display , with an interactive passport activity for students was done to encourge them to visit the various booths. Raffle draws provided excitement in between each session for students who completed their passports. The Philippine brand was stamped further into the affair with bird themed dances from Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao were provided by the Paranaque National High School. A simple closing ceremony to the 13th Asian Bird Fair was declared on November 22,2024 at 4 o’clock in the afternoon.

The Las Pinas Paranaque Wetland Park in Manila Bay, a declared Ramsar site, became the focal birdwatching area for the 13th ABF following the theme “Wetlands Are Our Future.” After the two-day event held at The Tent in Las Pinas City, it was time to bring the delegates outdoors. The delegates were later joined by Mr. Takayasu Amano, who attended the ABF coming all the way from Cebu. Mr. Amano is an ornithologist taking his doctorate in Ecolology at the Nagasaki University and is currently honing his English language skills in Cebu. Birdwatching, a friendly bird race, a wetlands tour, and a plant walk were part of the activities at LPPWP. Surprise migrant species spotted at the wetlands were the Blue-winged Pitta and the Great Cormorant.

A Taste of History and Culture
The Asian Bird Fair was also an eco-tourism event. Guests were treated to a tour of historic Intramuros for a glimpse of the country’s past and culture. The delegates were made to experience a the Hispanic influence in the Philippines’ the afternoon of November 23,2024. A walking tour of the walled city , as one of the earliest Spanish settlements dating back the 1500s was mapped out which included The Manila Cathedral, Plaza Roma, San Agustin Church and Casa Manila.

The Social Events
The evenings of the 13th Asian Bird Fair were for the dinners hosted by the Philippines, Taiwan and Korea. The evening affairs began in November 20,2024 when the Philippines hosted a Welcome Dinner a day prior to the openning of the bird fair at the Villar Sipag Foundation Hall. For the first evening ,the participants were requested to come in their native attires, an enchanting moment as everyone donned their country’s costumes with pride.

The Philippine Tourism Promotions Board Sponsored the second evening activity of November 21, 2024. The delegates were treated to a feel of Philippine culture with a walk through the night lights of Intramuros, dining at Barbara’s Heritage Restaurant at Casa Manila, sampling Filipino cuisine while being entertained with Philippine folk music and dances.

The 13th Asian Bird Fair proper ended in the afternoon of November 22 after which the third evening was dedicated to the launch of the 1st World Bird Fair (WBF) in Taichung , Taiwan. The 1st WBF will be held in September 2025. With the full support of the Taiwanese delegation, the event was held at the Golden Fortune Restaurant in Manila, with a full table spread of Chinese Cuisine. Group singing, raffle draws and the first part of the silent auction were the order of the evening.

On the last evening of being together as ABF delegates on November 23, 2024, the final dinner was dedicated to the formal announcement of the 14th Asian Bird Fair 2025 in Seosan, South Korea. The Villar Sipag Foundation was decorated in autumn colors, to set the mood for the 14th ABF in Seosan that will happen in October 2025. The combined teams of the Korean Bird Fair, Birding Korea and representatives from the city of Seosan prepared a preview of the 2025 ABF with a film showing of its wetlands and the bird species in its habitat. Cultural dancers were flewn in from Seosan City with a lucky draw for the delegates during the dinner were staged by Team Korea. As part of fund raising efforts of the ABF organization, the second part of the silent auction was held. The Korean event also marked the end of the 13th ABF in Las Pinas City.

Post script
The events which took place from November 20-24,2024 will be forever highlighted in the history of the Wild Bird Club of the Philippines. From the very 1st Asian Bird Fair in 2010 held in Davao City to the recently concluded 13th Asian Bird Fair in Las Pinas City. The bird fair has levelled up evolving from the template set by the standards of the Philippine Bird Festival, answering the call of the present times. Delegates not only came from our neighboring Asian countries but have spanned to countries to include the Americas, Australia and Africa. All these people brought together by the love of nature, the mission of environmental preservation and the unifying call by everyone for its conservation.

The Wild Bird Club of the Philippines has organized and brought forth the 13th ABF by adhering to the very basic motto of the club – Fun, Science and Camaraderie! Through the hardwork of the WBCP member volunteers, the preparations for the 13th ABF became seemless! No words can probably express the success of the event, but each and every participants’ smiles says it all. The WBCP can only extend our heartfelt gratitude to all the participants in coming to the Philippines. Maraming Salamat sa inyong lahat at Mabuhay!