july and august breezed through quite fast! here is a list of activities the club had the past two months.
Compiled by Mike Lu and Maia Tañedo
July 1 – Celestron Optics Test. In cooperation with Grimalkin Corporation, importers of Celestron binoculars and spotting scopes, a club trip was scheduled to test a couple of Celestron products in the field. Birders gathered at the Las Pinas-Paranaque Critical Habitat and Ecotourism Area and, even in light rainshowers, continued birding.

July 7 – Visiting Birders. WBCP member Ruth Francisco brought British visiting birders Richard Canden and Simon Cockayne to the La Mesa Ecopark, Angono Petroglyphs, and Mt. Palay-Palay.
July 14 – Club Anniversary and General Assembly. The WBCP celebrated its anniversary and conducted its annual general assembly at the La Vista Clubhouse. A total of 109 members attended the event plus guests from different organizations. The new set of officers was also announced.

July 18 – Ecotourism Seminar. Mike Lu and Anna Gonzales attended an Ecotourism Seminar organized by the US Embassy and Department of Tourism at the Bayleaf Hotel in Manila.
July 28 – Records Committee Meeting. Some members of the Records Committee met and worked on the 2010 Philippine bird records.
July 29 – Guided Trip to LPPCHEA for UP Journalism Students. The Travel Journalism class of Ms. Khrysta Rara of UP Diliman went birdwatching at the LPPCHEA.
August 19 – Club Trip to Mt. Palay-Palay. 15 members attended the Club Trip to Mt. Palay-Palay and Caylabne Bay Resort with visiting Australian birders Mark Bennett and Colin Christoferson.

August 24 – Philippine Bird Festival Meeting. Meeting with Arvin Diesmos and Rolly Urriza of the Zoology Department of the National Museum for initial conceptualization for the proposed Manila Bay biodiversity exhibit to be held in conjunction with the Philippine Bird Festival.
August 25 – Pledge2Fledge Guided Trip at La Mesa Ecopark. In line with the Pledge to Fledge campaign, the WBCP organized a guided trip to La Mesa Ecopark. Led by WBCP member and Pledge to Fledge Philippine ambassador Mark Jason Villa, a total of 11 guides shared the joy of birdwatching to 90 participants that day.

August 26 – Pledge2Fledge Guided Trip at LPPCHEA. A total of 44 guides and participants went bird watching at the LPPCHEA and spotted some migrant species.

August 26 – Club Trip to Subic. Nineteen birders headed to Subic and despite a rainy start, the group saw 54 species.

August 26 – ID Bird Paintings at UP Manila. The Office of the Chancellor of UP Manila invited the WBCP to help ID some bird paintings.

August 27 – Press Forum by Earth Island Institute. The WBCP was invited to a press forum organized by Earth Island Institute “End Dolphin Captivity! End the Slaughter!” The forum focused on protesting the dolphin slaughter in Japan as well as the planned acquisition of Beluga Whales of the Manila Ocean Park. Jops Josef and Maia Tanedo attended the event.