even as the rainy season begins, the wbcp still had a number of activities for the month of june.
Compiled by Mike Lu and Maia Tanedo
May 31 – June 9 – 1st Borneo Bird Race. The WBCP participated in the first Borneo Bird Race. The club was represented by Adri Constantino, Ivan Sarenas, and Mark Jason Villa. The team was able to see 148 species during the 10-day race finishing as overall champions! They also won the Sabah leg of the race. The race was participated in by eight teams from seven countries.

June 1 – Guided Trip for Nikon Club Philippines. The WBCP brought some members of Nikon Club Philippines to the La Mesa Ecopark for a guided birdwatching trip. The group was very lucky that aside from seeing most of the LMEP birds, a Philippine Eagle Owl decided to fly in and perch above the group before flying off.

June 15-16 – Visiting Birder from Taiwan. Dave Irving, a British birder based in Taiwan, visited the Philippines for some weekend birding and was taken to Bangkong Kahoy Valley in Dolores, Quezon. Accompanied by Jops Josef, Maia Tanedo, Adri and Trinket Constantino, they were able to see the recently fledged Besras and enjoyed seeing and photographing birds in mixed flocks.

June 23 – Visiting Birder from Boston. Returning visiting birder EM Ganin once more birded with some members while on a work trip in the Philippines from Boston. Mike Lu accompanied EM to the Las Pinas-Paranaque Criticial Habitat and Ecotourism Area (LPPCHEA) where they were able to see quite a few resident birds and the endemic Philippine Duck. Mike and EM then dropped by the American Cemetery in Taguig and saw lots of birds feeding on a fruiting bignay tree. Anna Gonzales and Jesse Severino then accompanied EM to the La Mesa Ecopark for some afternoon birding and got great views of Ashy Ground Thrush and Grey-backed Tailorbird.
June 25-28 – Birdwatching Training with Paibare. The WBCP was tapped by Paibare to help train a bird guide from Bhutan. After a series of lectures, Jops Josef took Bhutanese bird guide, Dorji, to go birding in La Mesa Ecopark.
June 27 – National Ecotourism Meeting. The WBCP was invited to attend the Regional Ecotourism Committee meeting in the DENR Central Office in Quezon City. The meeting was attended by different government agencies as well as representatives from travel agencies and local government units. The WBCP was represented by Mike Lu and Maia Tanedo.

June 29 – PBF and Raptor Lecture Meeting. A meeting was held in the home of Jops Josef to discuss upcoming club events: raptor lecture, Philippine Bird Festival, and the WBCP’s 10th year anniversary.

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