JULY 2017 Roundup of Activities
July 01, 2017 – WBCP-Davao Monthly Birdwatching
Malagos, Davao
The WBCP-Davao in partnership with the Philippine Eagle Foundation held their monthly birdwatching trip in Malagos. Joining them were 50 students and faculty of Holy Cross school bringing the total participants to 60 people. They recorded 34 species seen and heard, including Southern Silvery Kingfisher, Rufous-lored Kingfisher, and Black-faced Coucal. Photos from Pete Simpson.

July 9, 2017 – Records Committee Meeting
Members of the Records Committee Meeting met at the residence of Mike Lu and discussed, among other things, the results of the survey on the use of birdwatchphilippines@yahoogroups.com.
July 22, 2017 – Guided Trip at La Mesa Ecopark
LMEP, Quezon City
Karen Ochavo organized a guided trip for Asian Development Bank staff. WBCP members Allison Miller, Robert Montgomery, and Cristina Velez also volunteered for this event.
July 23, 2017 – WBCP Anniversary Party
Ninoy Aquino Park, Quezon City
The WBCP is now 14 years old and the spirit of camaraderie lives on. Once a year the club assembles to have its annual elections of officers, reports on the state of club activities, the significance of records for updating the Philippine Bird List and the announcement of future activities to the be undertaken. Reunions between birding buddies, discussion of future birding trips among friends or simply reminiscing past birding adventures shared between colleagues. Another fun day shared with nature loving people with a strong bond of volunteerism for the common cause for environmental conservation. 14 years and counting. (Credits to Cristina Cinco)