We just had our online General Assembly and 17th Anniversary last Friday and our Club is excited with the plans ahead despite the pandemic. The last Philippine Bird Festival was in 2018, and it seemed that we wouldn’t be having one for a while. But the imposed community quarantines and the number of online meetings we’ve had, gave us an amazing idea – hold a virtual Philippine Bird Festival! We’re calling it the 13th Philippine Bird-tual Festival (pun intended!) and we have a very apt theme, “Backyard Birding” featuring urban birds and urban birding sanctuaries.
Being cooped up in our own homes doesn’t mean birders stop birding, we adapt 🙂 And as the song goes, “Nothing’s gonna stop us now.” So we’re inviting everyone to join us on August 15 (Saturday) from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM. The program is posted below and we will be announcing the online registration for Zoom for each of the sessions soon.
13th Philippine Bird-Tual Festival
Theme: Backyard Birding
15 August 2020, 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM
9:00 to 10:00 AM
Session 1: Birding Basics hosted by Gina Mapua
Introduction to Birdwatching by Jelaine Gan
Common Urban Birds by Yani Barcenas
Rescuing Birds by Jon Villasper
Illegal Wildlife Trade by Ipat Luna
Q & A
10:00 to 11:00 AM
Session 2: Urban Sanctuaries in the Philippines hosted by Robby Alabado
Barangay Tagalag, Valenzuela City by Art and Riza Melicor
ZSCMST, Zamboanga City by Mary June Bugante
Balanga Wetland Park, Balanga City by Anna Gonzales
Baras Bird Sanctuary, Tacurong City by Emelie Jamorabon
Q & A
11:00 to 12:00 AM
Session 3: Children’s Hour hosted by Mariel Uyquiengco
Story-telling by Gwen So
Drawing by Arnel Telesforo
Face-painting by Tinggay Cinco
Coloring sheets
12:00 – 2:00 PM
Film showing and features
2:00 to 3:00pm
Session 4: Urban Sanctuaries in the Region hosted by Tinggay Cinco
Guandu Nature Park, Taipei by Wild Bird Society of Taipei
Hong Kong Park, Hong Kong by Hong Birdwatching Society
Singapore Wetland Park by Nature Society Singapore
3:00 to 4:00 pm
Session 5: Conserving Flagship Species hosted by Willem van de Ven
Philippine Cockatoo by Peter and Indira Widmann
Isabela Oriole by Joni Acay (Buhay-ilang)
Walden’s Hornbill by Jann Vinze Barcinal (PhilinCon)
Calayan Rail by Cynthia Layusa (BCSP)
Register here:
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Hi Judith, please check your email again. I sent you the Zoom details for Session 3. If you signed up for multiple sessions, this will be sent to you by our other volunteers.
Hello, are e-certificates of attendance will be provided after the sessions? Thanks
Excited to join this Zoom festival