Checklists of the Birds of the Philippines
The WBCP Checklist of Birds of the Philippines is one of the major contributions of the Wild Bird Club of the Philippines. The annual updated checklist is the work of WBCP Records Committee and Rarities Committee and the only checklist that accurately summarize information on Philippine birds.
The Checklist includes a wealth of updated information and is divided into the following: 1) Basic list gives an oversight of the birds with notes on their range status in the Philippines, their conservation (threat) status and notes on first record and total of records for accidental occurring species. It links to sites with images and sound recordings, and the plate numbers in the field guides by Kennedy and Allen; 2) Expanded list provides more details such as names in the Kennedy and Allen field guides, and details on range distributions in the Philippines and abroad; and, 3) Subspecies list gives a full listing of subspecies known from the Philippines.
You may download the WBCP checklist for personal or scientific reference use only. The Wild Bird Club of the Philippines retains the copyright for the list and it should not be used for commercial purposes without prior written permission from WBCP. If any of this material is used or included in any other publication or private report, proper citation is indicated in the checklist.
WBCP Checklist of Birds of the Philippines 2024
WBCP Checklist of Birds of the Philippines 2023
WBCP Checklist of Birds of the Philippines 2022
WBCP Checklist of Birds of the Philippines 2021
WBCP Checklist of Birds of the Philippines 2020
WBCP Checklist of Birds of the Philippines 2019
WBCP Checklist of Birds of the Philippines 2018
WBCP Checklist of Birds of the Philippines 2017
WBCP Checklist of Birds of the Philippines 2016
WBCP Checklist of Birds of the Philippines 2014