WBCP stalwarts Adri Constantino and Trinket Canlas wrote a paper on the Ashy Ground Thrush at La Mesa Ecopark for BirdingAsia, the Bulletin of the Oriental…
Birding Sites Editor Christian Perez has visited Batanes many times. In this article he describes the different birds that can be seen in Batanes and…
In support of the Pledge to Fledge (P2F) birding outreach movement, the Wild Bird Club of the Philippines held two public guided trips during its…
September was loaded with activities for the wbcp. Here is a summary of the events the club had the past month. space SEPTEMBER ROUNDUP …
This month EBON features Mayon Volcano, an area rarely visited by birders. This article written by birding guide Stijn de Win was adapted from as…
Photography Editor Bob Kaufman features Canon Ambassador Ely Teehankee in this month’s The Blind Spot. space Mention Villa Escudero to a bird photographer and the…
july and august breezed through quite fast! here is a list of activities the club had the past two months. space Compiled by Mike Lu…
Starting this month, EBON will feature monthly articles on birding sites that will provide practical details such as how to get there, where to stay,…
There has been a lot of interest lately in seeing big numbers of birds. There was a movie about a big year and this July…
Neon Rosell II and Chris Ceriban follow up a hunch with a long trek and good field work. They describe the first documented sighting of…